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Biathlon Program

Biathlon Bears (Youth)

Biathlon is an Olympic winter sport that combines competitive cross country skiing and air rifle marksmanship.

At Blow Me Down Trials, kids can learn the sport in Biathlon Bears, a national program developed by Biathlon Canada. This comprehensive program teaches the skills required for the sport of biathlon including cross country skiing and rifle shooting using a three-tiered program where participants are recognized as they progress through the levels. Participants must also be enrolled in the jackrabbit program.

Age: 8-14
Duration: 10 weeks – Jan to Apr
Session time: Saturdays, 1:00 – 3:30pm
Registration fees:
Biathlon Bears: $25
Junior: $60
Senior: $60
Masters: $60


Junior athletes learn to train and compete using small-bore rifle to improve marksmanship.  A valid PAL (Possession and Acquisition License) is highly encouraged for all junior athletes but is not required to participate in this program.  All athletes in biathlon undergo a safety orientation prior to handling any rifle on the range.

Junior athletes are strongly encouraged to participate in the Track Attack Ski Program.

More info here:

Blow Me Down Biathlon email:    [email protected]
Biathlon NL:
Biathlon Canada:
Blow Me Down Biathlon Updates:

To register for any Biathlon program, you must also register with Biathlon Canada each year.  Biathlon Canada memberships run from April to April each year and can be found at:



Program fees cover:

  • Use of air rifle and .22 calibre rifles
  • Consumables (ammo, targets, general supplies, etc)
  • Certificates, Pins, Badges
  • Annual shooting range and target maintenance



BMD biathlon is a 100% volunteer run program offered each week to teach and enhance the skills of the youth in a welcoming and encouraging environment.  Weekly practices and special events require many volunteers to help the biathlon programs to run well and operate successfully.  As a parent of a biathlete, you are requested to volunteer some time during the season to help assist the coaching group.  Anyone can help in any of the following areas:

  • Range Setup
  • Range Take Down
  • Hot Chocolate/snack preparation and donations
  • Practice session time keeping

Please contact us for upcoming opportunities to volunteer.

Newsletter Signup

Questions before you arrive? A piece of information you just can’t find? Drop us a message today, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!